Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I feel you here, with me.
I feel you from a hundred miles away, you would rather be in the embrace of a complete stranger
Than that of a tortured memory, than that of a defeated man
That you yourself had defeated.

I am your breath, I am your pretty little voice
Dancing callously on the end of your indifferent tongue.
The tongue I would taste every night before resting my swollen head
Down to repeat the pattern of safety that I had presumed would reside forever in you.

Your perfect imperfections, your talent dancing quietly,
Controlled within every action as you stare into a mirror,
You know exactly who you are and what you have at this point,
And as I watch from the comfort of our bed, I see you as the woman you are now.

The girl who has come back to me as a woman,
With soft edges ruffled and rounded, displayed proudly like a peahen,
With independence yet a solemn promise to stay by my side.
As my queen, my goddess, my lover, my escape.

I get the chills when I think about your magnificence,
When I think about the goddess that God has silently put in my path,
Like a beautiful gem in the middle of the road
That gathers attention as the marvel that it is.

I get the chills when I think about how easy it is to love you,
How brilliantly you shine without provocation or applause,
Without the need for an outside to approve of your colors.
You are the most glamourous shade of You there is.

I will not give up this fight that I have been preparing for my entire lifetime.
I am a lover, hiding in the body of a narcissistic coward.
I am a proud devoted warrior, now blessed with the gift of sight,
Now carrying a torch for all those dead thoughts I once threw to the side.

I will not only speak to you, I will shout towards you.
I will not only reach out for you, I will clutch you tight and make us both gasp for air.
For my embrace is a neverending thing, an event only understood by those in it.
You are my air, and I am gasping for breath.

You are a goddess, and God is love.
Love is a choice, therefore you are my choice.
Look past these faults of a man on display, look past these faults of a man ashamed.
Look past these neverending rivers of blood, up towards my mountains of love neverending,
and Climb.

Make me your choice, make me your temptation.
Make me your deepest, dirtiest thought only masked by the restrictions of air.
I am here waiting. I am here, forgiving.
I am here begging for forgiveness, I am waiting for the air.

Let us go back to resting and dreaming these dreams together,
and preparing a life of fulfillment in these un-uttered words.
You know what you are:
My queen, my goddess, my air.