Tuesday, August 18, 2020


You lay down in a pool of your own disrespect
How do you expect anything less than what you're currently getting?
Shallow waters claim shallow lives.
Don't drown on us.

Please don't drown.

Lifeless Fury; a Psalm

It just couldn't be left unsaid.

Agitated and corrupt from the years being years, he stood up and took to the door.
He tapered off the obfuscation given to him from birth,
Begging the surrounding quiet to bash his goddamn skull in.
He couldn't get away, couldn't get around. Couldn't get into another man's sense of self worth.
He grabs the knob and is aware of the cool sensation in his palm.

The world was melting, burning fast from friction.
The world was provocative, clawing into his open mouth.
A man's only worth what he himself believes to be,
And this one

A foot in front of the other, he slithers towards an undetermined goal,
Feeling the shivers of incompetence in his chest.
Really soaking in that flavor of inadequacy and defeat,
A man's man's of a man's joke.
He stammers to himself like the gasping fish,
Taken for the spineless joke that he is;
He knows, but he prays,
That the pain will make him strong.
Hope for the hopeless.
There's a bit of cautious optimism in the air,
Circling his head like a beautiful word,
His own personal sermon, hymn, and prayer:
"Act like you love me?"

On his march to the belly he comes across a man.
A man's man of a man's man of a man.
Living like the wall.
They pretend to love him.
pretend that
they do
He is the hero from a story so old it's lost its meaning.
Let him be the smiling mocking chest that claims affection
Let him be the walking unknown sacrifice
Let him be the one and only.
Your one and only.
My one and only.

A surge of remembrance, of embrace and flaws
An overwhelming spectrum of failure perverts
A new sense of purpose, finally! A goal!
Now let's flush it out. All of it out.
Penetration of the soul formulating a morbid cloud of serenity.
This is my chance.
He walks fast and holds the burden of inadequacy over this gentleman,
He assaults him with luscious visions of passion and fury
He overwhelms him,
As his prisoner of unknown unrequited lust
He overwhelms him,
And squeezes every bit of affection that was choked down by him
Like a selfish, beautiful child,
He squeezes and relishes in his loss.
And he is silent, but one more.
And he is silent, but one more.
And he is silent, but he disappears.
He can't disappear yet,
His head agape.

"Pretend that you love me?
Pretend that you

He is silent, but one more.