Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Gnarled [lyrics]

Short sighted admirations of
Pained life, old life

Sun-bleached by my design
(Deaf pleas upon dead senses)
Teased thoughts that can’t unwind
(Deaf pleas upon dead senses)

Short sighted admirations of
Pained life, old life
The romanticization of
This life
I am the red line
I am so gnarled up

I’ve seen this ghost, exposed
Hidden repose
Gang war war cries, that become choked
Hidden repose

(Now breathe slow, but not out
Now let it choke, but not out)

Short sighted admirations of
Pained life, old life
The romanticization of
This life
I am the red line
I am so gnarled up

Don’t let me get this.

Hidden repose

I am the red line
I am so gnarled up

Strain until it breaks

MCXIII [lyrics]

An invitation, to unmarked skin
To carve out our own way
A permanent ornament
That symbolizes “someday”
You can’t have it all, but you want it all,
So you say what you must say
You won’t trade your crown in for a gown
So how can I serve you today?

It isn’t me, it isn’t me
I am not host to a slave
Lucky thirteen, lucky thirteen
Skulls on our arms can’t be faked
You faked

The Way You Deserve, Part I

Only you have your figure,

No one else has your shape.
Curse my eyes for their blatant lies
They present to me not what I want to see.
I am here, you are here.
We are not.

In the billowing meadows,
In the autumn chill,
Over there, I
I want to speak to you
With you

I can hear the churning of vapid pleasantries,
The coy flirtation of thinly veiled wants,
Sex-driven lips spreading wide into a smile,
Welcoming the carnalities of another.
I am hollow, full of hollow wants,
Give them all to me.

“I can’t love you the way you deserve.
I can’t spoil you into submission
Nor cradle the child within,
I can’t give you a mother’s love
And a lover’s want,
I can’t.
And I will tell you I am sorry.
I will tell you what you need to hear.”

I’ve known this.

A Snake Once Told Me [lyrics]

A snake once told me
“I need to own you,
Body, mind, and soul.
The fruit I come bearing
It’s all yours.

Come lay your weary head
Atop voluptuous soft…
Let’s share each other’s fangs
All mine, and mine alone”

Once the fever hit my brain,
Sweated and shivered in numb ecstasy
Sleek silver skin penetrates
A lonely line of lust
and selfish love is shedding into some lungs, I’m
Choking, choking, choking, choking.

A snake once told me.

Goddess of night, succubus of my whims
I’m dragged into your cosmic shrine,
Riddled with objective sin
I need to feed on these vocal scraps
And these forced willful visions, I’m
Choking, choking, choking, choking

A snake once told me:
“It’s all your fault
You’re all alone
It’s all your fault,
If only you just….
It’s all you’re fault,
So kill yourself now”

Now, kill me now.

Negation Permittance

You will find yourself one day,
Confined within a coffin
Surrounded by everlasting nothingness.
Your lungs expelling life
In exchange for dread
So you recollect all the things you are thankful for.
You are.


The feminine

Your blood will start to cook
And your eyes will begin to swell.
Your brain will feel heavy
And you’ll recount your favorite songs
Death is death.

Then you’ll take a sharp inhalation
Of dry, busy air
And come to see that you aren’t confined.
You are blessed.
You have all those things you are grateful for.
Nothing is gone but the dead.
So why is death still death?



One, two, three, four, five.
Fight it.
Expel the feeling, make it pure.
Let it go.
Fuck you.
Fight it
Okay, you’re done.