Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Boss Of All Bosses

The Boss of all Bosses
Collects women's arms and men's dominance and leaves them with a salty debt,
Like a charming tattoo.
The dance floor writhes under the precipitation of his mistress mumbles,
He conquers crimes and sells them back like a moral juggle.

Heated lights don't dare to fire the blame at him,
The martini glasses cackle form their dizzying spin
On top of his electric stage stuffed with the underage,
His sassy fingertips applaud his opulent ways.

Come share a toast with the Boss of all Bosses.
In the house of classes, the man with the chandelier smile is revered as top bill.
The piranha's threat travels from the bedroom back into his gills.
His heaving hands collide against the gawking sky
And bring it down into the place where dealers lie.
Collect in calamity, the Boss of all Bosses.
Revel in the sultry, the Boss of all Bosses.

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