Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New York Bomb Appraisal (old version)

I'm sitting in the back, of this banal bar,
Sipping on business speak, licking on two-faced charm.
The karaoke plays, it vomits sugar hues,
And lovesick rats get up, to rattle in their pews.

Oh, those clever comatose.
Oh, those clever comatose.

I'm disguised as poetry,
Too honest for them to notice me.
Tonight, let's become what we're meant to be,
But I've been dead for years, such a pity.

Why take their validation,
When you carry their salvation?

Burn! Burn New York!
Feel remorse as these blast
Perforate your shiny lungs.
Come! Blood Foxes!
Radical Wolves! Let's take back
Our songs they haven't sung.

Let the celebration begin (I wanna see you shake, just like a new inmate)
Make us into good kids again (You're not so volupte, when you're gagged by guns)
Is this what I've come to expect:
Applause from this callous mess?

Oh, Brilliant Knives! Fumigate this life!
Make good of this attempt, of bashful violence.
Make good of this attempt, of bashful violence.

Oh, those clever comatose.
Oh, those clever comatose!

Let the celebration begin (I wanna see you shake, just like a new inmate)
Make us into good kids again (You're not so volupte, when you're gagged by guns)
Is this what I've come to expect:
Applause from this callous mess?

For power, for mercy,
For vengeance, for rivalry,
For all of those pretty things
We saw you had, but could never be.
Oh, we focused on execution,
But not on the outcome.

Burn! Burn New York!
Feel remorse as these blast
Perforate your shiny lungs.
Come! Blood Foxes!
Radical Wolves! Let's take back
Our songs they haven't sung.

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