Thursday, March 1, 2012

New York Bomb Appraisal (final lyrics)

Awake after all these missed fates
A lifetime in monotone caught on tape.
Tonight let's become what we're meant to, we're meant to be.

Disguised as poetry,
Too honest for you to notice me.
Tonight let's become what we're meant to, we're meant to be.

So breathe a heavy sigh of relief, and

Burn! Burn New York! Feel remorse
As these black clouds fill your lungs!
Come, Blood Foxes! Radical Wolves!
Come take back these songs you haven't sung!

So many clever responses,
Shut down mid-word by the Skull-less
(Come on and drag the coast, rob blind and make a toast!
I've got so many questions, punctuated by guns)
Is this what I've come to expect?
Applause from this callous mess?

Oh, brilliant knives! Fumigate this life!
Make good of this attempt at bashful violence.

Let there be no mistake: our lives are worth less than what we take.

For power, for mercy, for vengeance, for rivalry.
For all of those pretty things we saw you had but could never be.
Oh, we focused on execution, but not the outcome.

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