Saturday, May 17, 2014


In our defense, this innocence.
It tastes like how tears should taste like.
You're only basic and contrived and unexplored
Because I'm a fucking coward, afraid of his own skin
And you're an evil being, in love with herself and in love with satisfaction.
And that's just how it is, but you're mine.

I claim this earth as something prostitute,
Something this dead husk of a hole of a mind cannot comprehend.
You're still my light, though I'm trying to light my own way.
I don't need you, I want you.
I don't need you, I just want you for all my own.
So call me Roger.

I aim to please, darling. I aim to make you wake up wet.
I  choose to aim this cannon towards your heart,
But I should be aiming for your crotch.
Because it's not where the heart that all feelings stem, after all.
Once you're horny,
Once you know where your genitalia sit on the subject,
Then you know when your mind sits.

I trust you are a beacon of maturity.
But holy shit, you're also a blaring reminder of what my fucking neanderthal mind wants.
So click click click click.
Death to it all. Death to me.
Death to me.
I'll never be so primitive yet so commandeering.

Only on my own merits will I be satisfied.

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