Thursday, February 21, 2019


You look silly with all these men
Bat your big eyes and pouting lips
They want a piece of you and, oh, they can have it
You can count all the times on your hands
Where someone has asked for the favour,
Who's there when you come back home?
Who's there when you want an escape from the escape?

Maybe you're just too in love with your life to have a healthy relationship with it
Maybe you think "you" is a viable excuse
Maybe you know what you do is associated with hell
But you want to burn, want to burn, want to burn.

You look damn good enough to eat
You know exactly what to say and how to act
You've perfected this all for long,
Fuck, I think you're not acting.
I've been the cage and the tormentor,
You've been so frail and a godsend.
Run away, little lamb, get away
Keep running and remember how evil I am.

Or maybe it's you who lacks the introspect?
Maybe it's you who cracks the whip?
Maybe you've become what you've hated?
Maybe you're just too in love with yourself.

Hide it in depression
Hide it in anxiety
Hide it in trauma
Hide it in low self esteem
Hide it in excuses
Hide it in PTSD
Hide it in your bruises
(Fuck it)
Hide it all in me


I'm better now than I was before
At callousness and feigning all remorse
If you're in my presence, baby,
Listen to my words:
"I'm better now but I can be much worse."

Every day is a slower race
From monotony into a neutral grave
Peppered with spontaneity
and little bouts of life
We electrify ourselves with neon lies

I'm not a preaching man
But I know this ain't a way to live
I'm not a loving man
Nothing to take away. So don't give.

We promise each other eternity
But can't go a day without infidelity
We lie and bray and fight and scathe
Complacency just ain't in our veins.

Cold life, warm grave.
Sad love, great lay.
Darker now, white hot lies
Evil lust, purity crimes.
Dead words, truthful moves
Caress of secrets, transparency blues
Harmful cadence, loving gaze
Faulty merits, imperfect ways.

I just want everything to die.

Dark Room

Just a sliver is what you want
But that sliver grows in a gash
Conniving Casanovas feed at my earned joy
And leave me with their scraps.

This isn't a ground breaking revelation
And it's not a completely new scene
It's a played out fucking scenario
That gets old and loses meaning

She dances in the northwest,
She twirls in lunar speakeasies
In love with the lust of life,
She can't quit for the life of me

I'm as pointless as a tantrum
In a dull and empty room
Ravenous with the windows,
I'm jealous of their view.

From that window comes some moonlight
That demands attention in the dark
Obsessed with being drowned
Shouting at your left behind mark:

Now let me in.
Let me in.
I've been banging at your doorstep
Let me in.


They say that misery sprouts creativity
But I ain't never seen an elephant make anything that's worth a damn.
Strep throat catharsis locks me in place and
Gives no room to express that sentiment.
Just get what's given and
Take a bow.

I once saw a pigeon with a broken wing
Try its hardest to get off the ground
I went to help, but as I got closer
It just scrambled harder to get away.
Eventually I picked it up and
It broke its neck jumping out of my
Delicate, caring hands.

That bird died and I was alone.

The more I extend the line,
                the thinner it becomes.