Thursday, February 21, 2019


I'm better now than I was before
At callousness and feigning all remorse
If you're in my presence, baby,
Listen to my words:
"I'm better now but I can be much worse."

Every day is a slower race
From monotony into a neutral grave
Peppered with spontaneity
and little bouts of life
We electrify ourselves with neon lies

I'm not a preaching man
But I know this ain't a way to live
I'm not a loving man
Nothing to take away. So don't give.

We promise each other eternity
But can't go a day without infidelity
We lie and bray and fight and scathe
Complacency just ain't in our veins.

Cold life, warm grave.
Sad love, great lay.
Darker now, white hot lies
Evil lust, purity crimes.
Dead words, truthful moves
Caress of secrets, transparency blues
Harmful cadence, loving gaze
Faulty merits, imperfect ways.

I just want everything to die.

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