Saturday, September 7, 2013

This Weekend Horse Rides On!

I've been here before,
It's darker nonetheless,
I want to be my best, I want you impressed.
Soft is the saddle
Of a reckless weekend.
Like a trying friend, it always blurs the end.

  I see silhouettes dancing, plotting.
Ride on the ghost, ride on the drunk weekend horse,
Ride on until sunlight cannot catch up.

Ghetto blast on the pavement,
They'll remember the sound.
Pray to God that they'll find me
Before I can't touch ground. 

If I asked for the chance to be adequate,
Would you smile, be polite, but have none of it?
Granted, I'm heartened from this drink in my hand.
"Just be cool, don't anything foolish
If I do, I know I'll never hear the end of it"
Trying for something in atmospheres I can't stand.
I can't guarantee no regrets, my friends.
Ride on the ghost, ride on the drunk weekend horse,
Ride on until sunlight cannot catch up.

Ghetto blast on the pavement,
They'll remember the sound.
Pray to God that they'll find me
Before I can't touch ground ,

Everybody's looking, searching for what they know.
Everybody's knows it, but nobody will tell you.

Ride on the ghost, ride on the drunk weekend horse,

Ride on until sunlight cannot catch up.

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