Monday, March 23, 2020


Everybody comes together then tears apart
All the while we never let go of each other’s hands
How could you do that to me?
How could you suffer for so long?

And everybody always wants whatever they want
No matter how much the cost,
Even if they don’t pay in full
The sun is gone, the sun is blotted out
With the cloud of your cosmetics you wear for another love

So please yourself, help yourself to the feed
Just remember that we swallowed your lies whole
While clawing at your door,
We were all clawing at your door,
You fed us selective scraps of your hot love.

You lost it all and punish yourself
Suffer what come may
Suffer all you can take
You bathe in it and grope yourself to the tune of a new lover’s moan
Suffer until you choke
Suffer until you find hope
And you find that hope, in a new lover’s groan
You swallow it all and take and take and take

The road is never going to end.
We are both going to suffer for this. 
We will never get better.
We are not the type to heal.

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