Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Dialytic and Self-Induced

Curving at the moon’s climax comes a
Wandering need,
Surfacing at the dull-drum’s doldrums and
Winking at it’s own stye;
Staving off with a hot amphetamine kiss
I can’t deny it!
It’s a lifelong pressurized itch
And I cannot stand it!
Supplementing a sterile blanket of condolences.

I bet if I spit into your open throat
You’d think it was an act of atonement

I’m gonna ride the bunny-eyed violence,
The kitty-cat carnality,
Ride this fucking nervous gun into old radicalism
Happiness is a masturbation of barbiturates.

These thirsty wheels are turning fast,
With each spoke digging, depending on the
Momentum of my leg’s muscles
You swear you’re happier now?
The Theremin in your pulsing chamber
Claims it so

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