Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wet Circles

I think it’s all so beautiful:
A dismal vulgar display of my own innards
Made monotone for aesthetics
A counterpart to a half broken smile
Set in sand, blinded by raindrops,
Deafened by your own full soundtrack
You made in your head.

Everybody’s sleeping, you cantankerous fuck
What makes you so effortless?
You’re drowning in your own ouroboros,
I love that I hate that I love it.
You’ve said all this before,
Haven’t you?

Stimulation by the same grays that get
Monochromed by existence/
You’re the radiant one,
Aren’t you?

And you’re not going to stop bleeding light
Onto every fractured face you can influence
Because you are that selfish broken wing

Steady gaze.
Blood voluptuous.
Shock valueless.

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