Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Day Off

A shriveled up piñata conjures up
Feelings of circumstance and sympathy;
No time! No time for cause and react.
That single seafoam-moaned orifice you
Put into your ordained pocket
Doesn’t it have a pickled pucker dedicated
To some dolled up deity?

Whiplash catacomb into a muffled harlot,
You gave up so easily.
Bring me back to the reprimanded saloon;
At least there I had a heart.

Think and think and think of a solution,
But everything comes up selfish.
Where is your pride?
Where is your stance?
Can we even call you a jaunted climax?
You’re no Marlon Brando.

Suffocate with idealism;
Yeah, everyone’s better for everyone else
Let’s pretend like you have “needs”
In that heart that bleeds so much
A concave of kabooms

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