Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Thriving without consequence,
Sucking in the same air as you and I,
Taking even the meaningless trinkets
And making it their own, surviving.

You wish you could curse the sight.
You could never know what this feels like
So I
Never tell you
I just
I just joke
And I live day by day
You have no idea, you will never

Brilliant bibles of viscous
Burning Neon External Stimuli
That name sliding across
Every orifice; and it’s breathing:
Processing your personal infinitesimal
On and on, getting smaller
Diluted existence
As I age
Everything is weighed, calculated,
Measured, examined
Subsequent misery
For crimes of passion

Weeds that find their way in
Weeds that rummage and find your kink
Weeds that burrow into your persona
Weeds that claim you without knowledge of.

This growth staggers mine
A hungry child sucking in my vitamins
From afar
And they look so radiant
I’m the only one that knows
Its source

Parasite, I.
I don’t wish you well.

This climax is just so benign.
For some life so theatric,
I expected more nuance.

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