Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Scurry of Coquelicot

Alone and undefined
Left to watch via digital respite
A granting of windows into a neon world
Scurry and fend for myself
Losing this grip of arrows like Cupid’s failure

Whirring, whirling,
Landing upon my bed, blessed and serene
But my sandpaper skin is so sensitive
Plateau into Poena’s embrace
Awake to a calamity of circuitry
Into a blur, a frenzy of questions
Shuffle sick into telegrammed pity
Let’s call it what it is
Or is it?

Hieroglyphic, indecipherable to everyone
But lovers
A secret amongst Poine and Eros
Ones and zeroes decoded by whispers
Late into the blood moon night
Like a mountain made sick by its own height
Like a whale made to feel heavy in an ocean
Suffering alone
Silently killing
Blessings given by infrared
I love you

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