Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Fervor In Testimony

So sensible, and yet so incredulous
Passionate, passionate heat from a cadaver
Bottomless ends meeting no demise
Forgive me; I am just an ignorant man!
Yet I ride on.

I survive.
I impact everyone and everything
I am a thankless god, raising fire out of shit.
I have a story to tell.

Swallow whole this story of hate, despise,
Sincerity, compassion, ignorance, and
Everything in between
Scalpel against my teeth as I push it away
With my lips, I pierce them split
And all that comes out is incredible tales
Don’t believe me.

I am evil.
I am terror, mistrust, gluttony, I am everything
That you hate
That I hate.
This is too honest to ever have my dreams
Come true
But I survive.

Sweats and shakes as I tell you this
Is it true? Who knows.
Bound by masochism,
Destroyed by love,
Boundless rhythms bouncing around in my heart
I will grab you by the nape
And force you to listen to my
Endless autobiography
I am everything we hate
Listen to me.

I will change
I will survive
And I will tell this story over and
Over again.

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