Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Everyone Is Dead

What a horrid sight.

Bodies borrowing depraved looks from a gun's worst disguises.
Smokestacks rising holy hands from the purified fire to the satisfied sky.
Abandoned buildings crumble like elders reveling in the shame.
They don't know what "let the execution begin!" means,
Just the taste of brains smacked against their lips when it's heard.
Everyone is dead.

Red and gray pillars of ash decorate the sides of the streets
Not occupied by the recently deceased.
It's a startling contradiction of concrete and song that
Make up the urban graveyard battled.
This town is now a talentless gypsy:
Little of anything of use in the catacomb of swells.
Everyone is dead.

All voices have been silenced by the shackles of mortality
he barren disagreeing territories plant choirs of death knells,
The feeble and the meek, as fodder.
Aromatic sirens taste like bitter pacifiers for the ground.
The rhythm of the earth shakes out
Blaring sonatas churning sickled defeat.
Rhythm profits.
Death howls begging, begging, begging.
Everyone is dead.

I Love The Sea

Starshine, starshine,
You glide across the lines
Of an overanxious sea
To lace the crescent coat
With docile jewelry.

Moonlight, moonlight,
Come fall in through the night.
Just rain down on all of us
So we may soak up all the unknown
That we may better know of trust.

Stardust, stardust,
Stay up there, if you must,
But we beg of you to come down
And play with our ship's trinkets
So we no longer have to feel around.

And so we sail on and on,
Cascading blues and winds,
Collecting noirs and thoughts
Like dribble on the chin.
The skies play out a scene,
An interstellar play
And show that they are as
Intrigued in us, as we are they.

We have no course in mind,
We travel at our leisure.
Our eyes are bright with passion
For exploration and adventure.
Let's follow distant whims
Traverse uncertain seascapes
For the rewards are always rich,
And the new sights shall remain.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Neon Brunette

Nostalgia, you are awesome.
The enigmatic blurs that you swirl around in my heart
Invokes that hypnotic scent of you.
Cherry blossom bliss triggers telephone wire wrath,
Scurrying about the bedroom in a rampage.

Neon Brunette,
You are my Tarantella,
You cause my frenzied dance as Saint Tarantism.
You are Marie, daughter of desires,
Making me into a pixelated zombie.

I find comfort in these words,
Would you take even that away from me?

Fourteen years, it takes to breed
A false perfection of a queen
Adorned in teenage angst bouquets,
Pouted skin, sultry syllables, wrapped in rhymes in play.

I think we should have a reunion
And sort all these matters out.
Chances are, you don't feel the same.

Health (Rx series, 3 of 3)

Vitals pumping new life into a sordid husk,
Catalyzed by sweet words and invigorated blood.
Once threatened to be ravaged and left a worn-out moon
Is salvaged by a stray bullet rapt with rambler cues.

"Find me a mute pharmacy!" my moon scratches out its cords.
The Hospital Hands heed the call and lick at open sores.
Left alone with Remorse, jaws tearing at the cause,
A feeling best described as not unlike apathy begins to caress its claws.

The stray bullet punctures these sutures, that closed in hollow hope,
And lets it flow like waterfalls if strengthening swallows.
Health is nothing short of a miracle I now fully comprehend,
The stray bullet blesses my moon with it, may it's embrace never end.

"Health is a triumph, a torchlight amongst man,
It allows us to live as we choose or demand.
Health lights the caverns of the questions we seek
And acts as the compass of our own possibilities."

Find Me A Mute Pharmacy (Rx series, 2 of 3)

Find Me A Mute Pharmacy!
One with no mouth to question my actions.

Oh, Hospital Hands,
Your ability to soothe ailments
That crooked commercials failed to diagnose
Has led me to self-prescribe
Under the guise that I know better
(Or don't know better, what's the difference?)
You have led me to
A mute pharmacy,
One that is camouflaged by bloodshot promises
To contain the disaster.

The counter calls with vacant swells
Hidden behind cash register leers.
Mute Pharmacy jitters, smilingbehind fickle cells,
"Have you found your fears?"

Well, here comes your prescription:
The rattle of chromatic pills in your pocket.
Here comes your prescription:
Red, yellow, and white down your throat, like a faucet.
Here comes your prescription,
Garnished in a negligee so perverse,
Every excuse comes off so rehearsed.

So find me a mute pharmacy!
One with aisles overflowing with "answers".
Find me a mute pharmacy!
Where vitamin-filled maracas are sold by the dozen.
Find me a mute pharmacy!
Concealed in bland, numb safety.
Find me a mute pharmacy!
My answers only get greeted with riddles.

Find me a mute pharmacy!

Hospital Hands (Rx series, 1 of 3)

Panic in the recovery room!
Vital signs have turned into static, get the Hospital Hands!
Serotonin is the enemy,
Amphetamines are your claim to fame now.
Blank stares resuscitate the blaring awkwardness of youth, today.
Drizzled coughs smack down on my toxic film, tonight.

Well, alright!
Hospital Hands, come bless me with
A shaking fist coated with thinned blood,
The blood of the meek, the tame.
Hospital Hands, lick me clean,
shine me glossy-lifeless,
then take me to a mute pharmacy!
Your robust cuticles
Match your suggestive swarthy stare:
They both pin me to a sterile wall
And coax the lusty dead out of me.
Once I'm polished a new shade of disgusting,
Please, please, please...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Recycled Taming

I burnt down an empty cabin once,
I didn't know whether or not if it was abandoned,
Whom it belonged to last,
What kind of wood it was made of,
How long ago it was made,
If it helped raise children,
Created everlasting fond memories,
Suffered and gone through hardships,
Or housed creativity, love, or fear.
All that I knew was that it represented
Man's attempt at dominance
Over concepts it can't understand.
I just wanted to keep the cycle going.

The Real Surreal


I hope you've learned something new about your ABCs


Why is everything so backwards in Soviet Russia?
Why must every task you would normally do,
Now happen to you, roles reversed, in a comical manner?
Remind me to never visit Soviet Russia.
In Soviet Russia, Soviet Russia never visits you!

The Soothing Sound Of Flight

Propellers playfully pitter-patter against the air,
The joy shared between the two
Is used to raise their spirits,
Their selves,
And those of their surroundings,
The classic example of "smile, it's contagious"/

Wings watf whistfully wandering worlds,
Leading the way to heart's desires,
Exotic and exciting and new,
Fulfilling needs never before realized,
Of exploration and adventure,
Through the safety of broad, outstretched, slender arms.

Cockpits carelessly count constellations.
Soaking in every magnificent sight:
The landscapes, the seas,
The moon, the lights.
Overwhelmed by the beauty it encases,
The cockpit begs to share it's possessions with another.

Darling, your eyes look like the sky.

Midnight Harmonics

The harmonic man puts on a cap
Of top music chars and soiled bones
His moustache is dollar-greened and straight,
His speckled body's in stained glass robes.

He steps upon the reveled stage,
CHewing nicotine braille as he cues the spotlight
The audience swarms to the front and gawk,
They never miss his show at midnight.

His rhythmic proportioned body emits a purr,
A coo like a palpitating heart in a barrel.
The theatre's phlegmatic with the mumble of freeways
The lights dim, and they begin to howl,

"Oh, Mr. Harmonic, we are your faithful rat skulls!
We dine on the brittle vomit you call truth
Completely immerse in the grave,
Astounded by the tales of your youth!"

The man throws a morose glare into the air,
And they paw their way to his view
Hie dreams that he could be someone else, somewhere else,
But he makes the best of it, so he croons,

"Girls, sin!
Boys, grin!
Gather around and hear a fantastic tale
Of war!
And love!
And how misery perpetuates and stays in homes, frail!

"The sun cascades and gropes his window,
And greets the poor boy with a kiss of piled flesh.
His wrist are shackled with crimson rainbows
The color of his eyes are the same as failed fights.
Her face looks like a used-up map
Which writhes at the taste of a swelling man
And as you, my faithful crowed, scream and clap,
Realize that they now sit in the back of a van."

Mr. Harmonic spins a story of lies and lust,
Accompanied by an orchestra of wails
He makes a spectacle using the blood of lovers
And let's out a sigh, dims the lights, and it begins to hail.

Horror! Butcher!
Head wounds flow like a cracked beehive
Perverse! Bloodlust!
Razors cut0cut through your diary-skin
ON which you parade all your past affairs like a badge of attentive shame
And you drown gasping for more tales of woe.
M.r Harmonic quenches you all, and
You're left in a dim theatre,
Lifeless, soul-less, and smiling.

Oh, Mr. Harmonic, you've done it again!


He's crunching numbers under calendar weights
Fluorescent candles flicker angrily at the day
You're losing sleep cuz your paycheck's a joke,
A riddle in itself, and the punchline's your hope.
He's graying rubies with the tick of his watch
Adorned in synthetic rapid blood loss.
The vowels run form his mouth and into the car,
They drive off to Los Banos, to revive who you are.

Follow me to the beach,
Cascading wild and green
The coastline's grinning with wooden teeth,
How can you sleep?

I see you shuffling in your uncomfortable skin
You dangle ornaments from the hole in your chin
With hair that's colored the same as your own shoes
That both tell stories of the decisions that you refused.
Your father storms in, holding life by the gills
Protests that mother Earth needs to finally stand still
You both take turns walking in circles, pissed
And blaming your headphones for not hearing fortune missed.

All the boys play with your hair,
While you sit with ribcage bare
Soaking up all the riches you lack,
Along with all the filth they bring back.

Come, let's leave this place, and erst upon the sea
It's billowing at the mane, with tales so promising.
Let's get into the car, so quiet, yet rehearsed
And ride out this guitar into the front of hearse.

Soundly Asleep

When I wake up in the middle of the night
And see your silhouette laying there, soundly asleep
I stop and think about all of the other places
That you could possibly be at this moment,
The kind of person you may have become,
The decisions that were not made,
The fact that you're asleep, soundly
The events that led up to this moment,
Of us permanently intertwined, to some degree
No matter what the future may bring.

I think of all these things, then realize
That in spite of all my thinking,
The fact is that you chose to be here,
And you are content enough to fall soundly asleep.
Beside me.

I then kiss your cheek,
And fall back asleep.


Please don't let me forget,
That I am an elephant.
Strong and proud and wise,
Dramatic in my size.

I clutch onto those days
I spent beside the waves
Spoiled and serene,
Collecting braver dreams.

I march off into war
Thunder coursing through the floor
To defend all I've earned
Against another herd.

I battle through the night
With friends that were so kind
Upon a hill so alive
With grassy-grass and grapevines.

They tear apart my tusks
Like piano husks
And make my loves take chase
Down towards the carnival plain.

They circle me, and inquire
"Why do you not taste fire?"
Proudly I start to stand tall
Yet foolishly, I cause these words to fall:

"I must never forget
That I am an elephant.
Though lessons learned may take toll,
They bring me to a crawl

These lesson etched into my head
Prevent me from joining the dead.
My memories profuse and rant
For I am an elephant."

The wayward comrades laughed
And pitied me, "so daft!"
And as my legs gave out
I heard one final shout

They clamored towards my flesh
And tore through all they could get.

I awoke as if from a deep sleep
From the subtle breeze of the sea
Please don't let me forget
That I am an elephant.

Shiro Kuro, Shiro Kuro

What is it about the fire?
So calm and peaceful, but inside, all power and destruction
It's hiding something, just like people do.
Sometimes you have to get close to find out what's inside,
Get burned to see the truth.

Anshi, anshi, be happy!
his is a peaceful planet
Anshi, anshi, be happy!
Treasure town is our town.

We are delinquents, but we run this stone-cold town
We don't wag our tails for anyone
I had a dream this city burned to the ground
Talking bad about people makes your heart dry up.

Anshi, anshi, be happy!
his is a peaceful planet
Anshi, anshi, be happy!
Treasure town is our town.

The nighttime makes you sad
Guess the dark makes you think about death
If things would start slowly spinning
That would make you happy.
You cry because you hate the winter.
It reminds you of the ant and grasshopper.
The grasshopper didn't do anything wrong.
So you cry.

Don't worry, Shiro
Nobody will ever break us apart
They take you in the winter,
By the end of spring, you'll return to me.

That apple tree that we planted
Will grow hen you least expect it.
People say that you're small,
But you are a giant to that ant.

Agent White had a dream,
The sea, the sky, oh the trees,
And the wind. My dream.
Let it burn, all of it.
Let it all burn.
This whole city's going to burn.

I hate this town, let's build a house by the sea
Just the two of us.
When we hurt someone, I tell God "never again"
God's mad at us.
The more you love something, the deeper the pain
The deeper the pain.
At least believe in love, love is all you need.
Love is all you need.

Shiro Kuro Shiro Kuro Shiro Kuro...
This town is hell. This is hell.

Anshi, anshi, be happy!
his is a peaceful planet
Anshi, anshi, be happy!
Treasure town is our town.

Don't worry, Shiro
Nobody will ever break us apart
They take you in the winter,
By the end of spring, you'll return to me.

That apple tree that we planted
Will grow hen you least expect it.
People say that you're small,
But you are a giant to that ant.

God made White broken, missing screws for his heart.
Black is missing screws too, but Black has all the screw White needs.
He has every one.

The Concept Of Wolves In Mirrors

There's a wolf hiding inside that mirror,
He looks a lot like me.
There's a wolf in the back shifting into a new dress,
She looks a lot like you.
And oh, they dance, and make their cute gestures
Aware of the fact that they stand on two legs
But both of them know, when they tire of this waltz,
They'll resort to their proper state and act on what they know.
I'm a wolf, flawed and fearful, staring in the mirror
And all I can see is you
Living in the skin of another human
Oh, why can't I stand on my own two feet?
At the end of every week, you show your civil teeth
Hoping that I'll see the clues
But I shrug it off and gnash, into your wounded flesh
Cuz I'm a wolf, baby, can't you see?

Don't act like you're conscious of what you're doing,
You're just acting on what you know
To run away, from a hungry slave
But what's after, darling? It's all unknown.
Don't make me into such a fool in your mind,
You know damn well you took part
For a bit of love after the absence of a crutch
Is all that's needed to make a strong new heart.

Can't say I didn't try everything in my repertoire
All those nights together couldn't soften the pain that I saw
Was there any truth left? I heard not my name in your breath.
Look in the mirror, baby, tell me you like what it holds
The soul of a lover trapped in the body of a wolf
Running away like they do, scavenge lives like they do.

This is just too rich, the irony's too thick
You wanted me to not throw a fit?
No! I'll break this champagne glass,
Apartment will collapse, and then you'll see just...
(Shh! Babe, just wait!)
You think you're the only one who wanted adventure?
The only one sick of this scenery?
Why don't I deserve a ticket out?
Oh, why couldnn't you have waited for me?

And like that wolf you are, you tear into my flesh
After all your promises that you'd never take revenge.
The wolf that I am, shamed and discontent
Will keep on fucking up until the lesson drills in.

Hold onto this shame
Cuz no one knows what you see inside that mirror
And stare for weeks and weeks
Praying what you see will eventually get better.

Cuz we know we can forgive, well how about forget?
What is it you're holding on to?
If the love you pledge exists, why are you for rent
To the most appealing facade shown to you?

Let sleeping dogs lie
I know where this sleeping dog lies
I know, I know with who the sleeping dog lies.

And as these words hit my liips, I'm still so reluctant
For all my mannerisms, as a wolf becomes a man
I'd kill for your hazel gaze, to be your firts sight as you wake,
But I've never been known to turn my shit into something great.
Where did you go? Are you hiding in that mirror?
Looking for something more promising?
But all you'll find is your refelction
And standing reight beside you is me.
So look at me.

Pretty Sweet

It's pretty sweet, what you do to me
It's all this love that keeps me so upbeat
You're pretty sweet, the way we've spent this week
Has got me smitten, so much I just can't sleep.

You've got me feeling oh so zealous,
Enough to make any man jealous
I'm sold on you, I"m gonna see this through
You're like the perfect mix
Of Gwen Stefani and Karen Orzolek!

They're pretty sweet, oh all the things you say, like
"Hello tomorrow, goodbye yesterday"
You're pretty sweet, cuz I know when I awake
You'll be beside me, with eyes that show more than your face.

Let's drive to Oakland, see our Past Lives
Come back home and still stay by my side
When I'm with you, our possibilities
Are never ending, so I gotta sing, I gotta sing...

Tulip Eraser (Oh, The Contradiction)

Dancing at PopScene, to Jaggy Luv and Ting Tings
Drive home and have Sparks, and Cheeto Puffs in the dark.
Eat homemade sushi, and free pizza from SC
I'll earn banana stickers, remember us in pictures.

So put down that chili dog and look up in the sky, it's Eggman
Watching EgoRaptor, silenced by our laughter.
You take your car to work, I'll my board to your room and I'll wait
In your bed with Stella, and then vice-versa.

Well, love starts with the letter L, Professor
We'll spend the night playing Metal Gear and Soul Caliber
A Star Wars-themed birthday in your home
It's always been clear to me that we'd never be alone
Stop copys me
Oh my God, shoes

The game ain't cheatin,' let's have waffles and chicken
The first day we hung out, inside of your house
We watched Monty Python, and then form there on
I knew that we'd be happy and all asleep soundly.

You look so lovely.

Knives Having A Gun Fight

Knife A fights for the rational
Knife B kills for true love
Knife A grabs hold of a gray glock
Knife B kisses his girl goodbye

The body is a warzone, the heart and mind each claiming it their own
"We want it now! We want it all now!"
Thus the result of a foolish man.

"We meet tonight with guns out"
"A hail of bullets will shower down"
"Why do you fight with flimsy steel?"
"The same as you seem to never feel!"

The body is a warzone, the heart and mind each claiming it their own
"We want it now! We want it all now!"
Thus the result of a foolish man.

And as these knives fight, it sounds a lot like...
And as these knives fight, it sounds just like...

The body is a warzone, the heart and mind each claiming it their own
"We want it now! We want it all now!"
A battle for your own soul,
Both with ideals so justifiable
"I wanted love!"
"Well, you gotta play it smart!"
Thus the result of a foolish man.

Here & Now

Well, I find myself out on the sea
Following the clumsy breeze
As seagulls sing of heaven eternally.
My story stars sprawled out on the docks
And it'll end on the hands of a drunk clock
Who stumbles back and rants on about what they saw.

The gleaming gusts delight
At the mynah birds who take flight and call out "here & now!"
Laughing in the face of the night.
The natives perfected views on life! Listen well, they sing...

Stumbling in a savannah,
Nothing on but a bandanna,
I'm searching for ways to right the wrong.
A bird lands right on the spot,
Reminds me to deal with what I've got
Then suddenly, I'm in the tropics, nice and hot.

The gleaming gusts delight
At the mynah birds who take flight and call out "here & now!"
Laughing in the face of the night.
The natives perfected views on life! Listen well, they sing...

Wild Serum

Computer calculates and pleads:
"Take some wild serum!
Take some wild serum!
Take some wild serum!
Until you love me!"

Holy shows in new zip codes
Fall in love with that twenty-one
Swallow whole soft tapes of gold
Come here, date, let's have a little more fun!

Let's go back to your apartment,
Call you gorgeous as you change clothes
Rainbows wrists as we hold hands
Kissing cameras 'til tomorrow!

I'll call you in the morning, love.

The Graphics Of Revolution

It's a fucking party!
And you're all not going to attend.
Only the best dressed may enter.
Aw, hell, come one, come all.

It's a fucking revolution, darling.
I've carried my weight in burdens,
I've traded my tongue for decrepit smiles,
I witnessed wincing lovers kiss each other's lies
Then turn and read a New Bible.
I saw saints and thieves alike crying in exchange for new solutions.

Aw, cheer up baby, you're witnessing- no...
You're part of a fucking revolution.

Dire, Dire

May I listen?
Burn the ideal views of today
Con the scent of the forced thought
Watch the true beliefs boil down
Everyone's afraid of the crow.

May I send it down?
We've all seen enough of
Solitary views are fine when they are your own.
And every lighted candle burns a new flame with no regards
Solitary views accepted when they are...

Burn the ideal views of today
Con the scent of the forced thought
Watch the true beliefs boil down
Everyone's afraid of the crow.

Send it down.

The Other White Meat

Did it hurt? Did it hurt?
When they pierced your belly and sucked out life?
And all my thoughts turn to the unborn.
The cataclismic wyas to evade subjugation and responsibility
By sucking out dry! Devastating your family inadvertently
That life-to-be is now floating free
At leas th'es in a better place than your filthy arms.
He won't have to suffer the shame of a hate-ridden loved one.
So did it hurt? Were you sad?
When they told you "it's dead"
Did you grin a rotting mouth and sing bomb-blasting hymns?
A snake for a kiss, a waite-out final blow for some love?
Well who would love you now? Who could love deafening skulls?
With evil ideas so loud?
So did you feel? Did you shame?
Or did you come out with a notch on your name?
Fire starters, please! I am trying to have a conversation
With the vulture who stabs wombs and glistens and moans.

Pixel Zombies: You're A Good Place To Visit (16)

I was born in a crystal screen, kicking
And wailing at cell phones.
All these days spent inside this cell, redefined
This snake, Caligula.
Will I come out swelling at the veins,
Grating against robot saliva?
I can't see the circuitry of Marie,
I can't taste her rouge.

I first died in that crystal screen, screaming and flailing at
At monitor breasts.
I felt my sins conjure up a stale sigh
And plummet clockwork quests.
Hospital beds and overdosing meds
Make up the ambiance here.
Quiet mushroom clouds fornicate and
Causes other-worldly ruptures.

Like a vacant student, I believe it's just slumber.
Leave me swelling here, if this mirage is sober.

Why can't happiness stay constant?
Leave the sleeper be! Leave the sleeper be!
This ship has sailed for so long.
Why can't happiness stay constant?
Leave the sleeper be! Leave the sleeper be!
This ship has sailed for so long,
I trust the tides will take me home.

"Fall out! Collapse! Regret!"
"Where is dear Marie?
"Fall out! Collapse! Regret"!
"Where is dear Marie?
"Fall out! Collapse! Regret"!
"Where is dear Marie?
"Medic! Come quick! Relapse!"
I want to see her fucked up!
I want to see her fucked up!
I want to see her shit fucked up!
Prove to me she's better alive!

"Let's Bring That Carnivore From Out This Bed"
"Come let us bring that
Carnivore out of bed!
Hope fills these shackle-sheets
Where tragedy once fled."

Conscious Resuscitating
"Doctor, he's coming to! Doctor, he's coming to!"
Friends! Family! Explain the absence of the Daughter!

Mortal Exchange in a Hospital Room
Oh, foolish heart! A fallacy amongst me!
Torment in a ghostly gown, drizzled in a physical state.
My head's birthing doves, shot down as they take flight
My answer comes in clear, through the window's light.

This hospital bed throws me through the blinds
As I fall into the earth, I hear that dial tone.
I turn to see
Marie grinning.

Pixel Zombies: Four Haunts (15)

Haunt 1 – Apathy
Caligula, can you taste me in the air?
Feebly droning and buzzing, but never enough to take action.
Like an inflammatory pressure system, rot with sickle kisses
Apathy rests here, but you just stare blankly into my face.

Comrades, come quick! Snake in Marie's carapace!
Make an example of this carnivore!
Spoiled and speechless, why should we care at all?
Oh, you're barely comatose, spitting thoughts in repeat
Apathy lives here, Apathy loves you!

Haunt 2 - Loneliness
How are you awake? How are you accompanied by me?
Your heart's the one asleep, swinging in the breeze of a breathy voice
I'll take it all away, I'll take it all away, Loneliness adores you!

Haunt 3 – Dishonesty

(We're the Four Haunts!)
It feels as clichƩ as a stab in the back,
The Army's all starved, and just disbanded
You trust in doves and act surprised
When they shit on your… (We're the Four Haunts!)
We feast in fine rooms, housed in hopeful graves
And tempt you to leave, to find you're undead
Dishonesty sits on your lap,
Dishonesty romances you! (We're the Four Haunts!)

Haunt 4 – Promiscuity

Hang loose, kid! Feel your flesh against flesh!
Of more than one! (We're the Four Haunts!)
Desperate seeds swarm around her,
Licking at the chance!
Promiscuity fucking lusts
Over you and her! (We're the Four Haunts!)

All Haunts
Everyone meets the Four Haunts!

Pixel Zombies: XO (14)

X's and O's gather in
This heart's weak garden
And lay where lovers lie.
Playful and contempt,
They sing out invites.
X's and O's know about
Marie's sweet perfume,
Hallways candle-lit
Bleed-outs 'til two
And reverse playlists.

Hold, onto passion's camera
Fold, out life's ancient photographs
And tell me, honestly, could you want more?

Pixel Zombies: Negligee (13)

Our nights were spent rubbing flirtatious sheets with our shakes.
My chateau of a body houses the rouge you love to taste.

I still remember a black stiletto ball
The dark cloud scent of skin irresistible
Those spoiled fingers wander into a weak garden
And find cold colors hallucinate in fog fans

Put down the pistol, and come into the bedroom.

She puts on her negligee,
Crawls across the room and starts to sway
Bites her lip and purrs "Come quick! These hips' flavors insist
Touch from your hands like a couturier"

Our bodies' cabarets are ruby-shaped.

Your bare corpse stumbles across a mirrored floor
As limousine lights caress and run up it's pole
It's two at night and cradle's hum turns down the gain
Her distilled frame silhouettes caused cabarets to bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

She puts on her negligee,
Crawls across the room and starts to sway
Bites her lip and purrs "Come quick! These hips' flavors insist
Touch from your hands like a couturier"

Lights out, howl in my ear
"Caligula, you taste like shackled beds"
All these lingerie addicts
Perform classic riddles in repeat,
I can hear them:

She puts on her negligee,
Crawls across the room and starts to sway
Bites her lip and purrs "Come quick! These hips' flavors insist
Touch from your hands like a couturier"

Save this skin!
Caligula's cell has become so dim....
Felt up by electronic breath, and jest by roborant breasts
That climb my wits so thin, and bury in

Our bodies' cabarets are ruby shaped.

Pixel Zombies: The Army Unlimited (12)

My body has become "Caligula's cell"
We slithered through the skull, with the guise of" comatose"
Inside this place, beyond the field of lace
An army declares sanctuary,

But I want to go home, this army by a sick, green sea
Impersonates the heart
Alone, in this hallucinogenic land,
My mind starves and takes form

Vagabonds, get out!
And tell me I will lead you
They scratch halls and cause
Reliquary conniptions

Unfortunately, we're marching on

We march on past the fields of clay that reenact
Memories, but change the script to, "Don't look back! Don't look back!"
And every soldier's face, protrudes a different name
The cavalry runs wild, and ride my nauseous smile

Wait, these plains, have luscious skies
Trees depict sincere collections
I'm dazzled by what I see,
It can't be so bad, it can't be so bad
Birds nests on hot pink melodies
It's can't be so bad, it can't be so bad

Vagabonds, get out!
And tell me I will lead you
They scratch halls and cause
Reliquary conniptions

Unfortunately, we're marching on to war!
The blind enemy is my own sentiments
Passion is not supposed to be like this

Sound the alarm! They're storming it together!
..Midnight.. parade on this rapid toll forever!
By the time they're done, serpentine rouge
Will babble out their mouths! Cities will collide!
Caligula will stand, and address Marie:
"I will see you throat, I will see you out,
The Army Unlimited!"

But I want to go home, this army by a sick, green sea
Impersonates the heart
Alone, in this hallucinogenic land,
My mind starves and takes form

I will make lips quiver out (Captain, the prisoner,)
"Non chalant grotesquely" (She mouths out "More! More! More!")
This groped land will (Captain, the prisoner,)
Overcome itself (She mouths out "More! More! More!")
From here, the greatest story (Captain, the prisoner,)
That's never been told (She mouths out, "More! More! More!"
Will overflow this (Captain, the prisoner)
Heart. (She's grinning!)

Pixel Zombies: Thunderclouds In A Brown Beehive (11)

Crystal gaze in dim jail
Crystal lips' pucker swells
I feel sick, I feel sick, I feel sick, sweat it!
Swarm thrashes in a sink,
Swarm violence rattling dreams,
Keep gnashing, keep gnashing, keep gnashing, you're fucked!
Now, I'm friend with the bathroom floor (Can you hear my voice now?)
Ill rapture takes home in my heart like wasps (You will never be heard)
Paint the mirrors with my flesh paintbrush (I will make you blind)
Ghost, can your gown stretch it's shade somewhere new? (Just a new carnivore)
My beehive of a head is cracking open (We want it! We want it!)
All it's residents do it scratch and complain (We want it! We want it!)
Windows form at the top of my skull (We want it! We want it!)
"Let's get inside there, let's get them out!" (We want you dead, we want you with us!)
Thrash one, Marie shines bright
Thrash two, window's still closed
Thrash three, gown is gagging visions
Thrash four, I can see in…

Pixel Zombies: Pixel Zombies (10)

The siren song of the Digital Age, it drones, it drones
Its liquid lingerie entices the rat in me, in me
Rats rise from graves to pixilated fantasies!
Rise from graves to pixilated fantasies!
Is this what I've come to expect?
A front row seat in the Laser Cabaret?
She waits for me atop my desk
And strips to reveal tits that house toxic inks.
In here, accomplishments and human errors,
Feuds and heartaches last a lifetime
Men can shield their selves in porno attire
And be as lonely as a nation-less army.
In here, I'm always dressed in my Sunday best
My self-made mask never comes off
A feeble, delicate wire down my chest?
Lips concealing high-voltage fangs
Kiss the back of my neck…
Because we're all just looking for love
Rats rise from graves to pixilated fantasies!
Rise from graves to pixilated fantasies!
The siren song of the Digital Age, it drones, it drones
Its liquid lingerie entices the rat in me, in me
Should I expect anything less?
A luminous stripper recites an owner's manual
Entangles me in a seasick film
And licks my cheeks with photographs.
She's a lusting hound, with a headpiece of outlets
Her eyes are cellophane cigarettes
Her lips are two inflated freeways,
Spectacles made of summer love interests.
My distaste for her grows with every click and image
But her dance arouses me beyond mere temptation
Our dance of exceeding lust turns into intercourse,
As abruptly as we begin, she grins and bears electrical fangs.
Slice! Slice in through my spine
And soak up all you can for your shamed couture!
White paralysis slips in through my carapace
And leaves it's corpse on the bedroom floor!
Our cemetery site is drizzled with dial tones
We feed on flesh colored green and gold
Although we can't take the vitals from a digital neck
Or scratch its pixilated face to save our own.

Pixel Zombies: Glow (9)

I cannot believe what my mind's telling me
This eerie sensation veiled by the deceased
It's her lull; her body, mind, and soul
Daunting cutlass
You breathe out familiar fumes I won't breathe myself,
They suffocate and surround walls, and proceed to tell
Of your lull; your body, mind, and soul
Ubiquitous glow
"I caress you into a pixelated slave
My puckered maw entices like a rouge wave"
A blinding tuxedo shoots out of your sold mouth
I've swallowed so many that jungle fly out, and say
You're dead! You're dead! Left bursting at the chest
Come quick! These lips, quiver at mouth's expense, and say
You're dead! You're dead! Suck sunshine from the bees
Go on! Remind, Mr. Vengeance how to grieve.
The illumination that emits from your eyes
Are twin reinforcers, like violent old headlines that say
You're dead! You're dead! Left bursting at the chest
Come quick! These lips, quiver at mouth's expense, and say
You're dead! You're dead! Suck sunshine from the bees
Go on! Remind, Mr. Vengeance how to grieve.
This taste! Resides in, resides in
Here! And lick, lick, licks common sense
I've become a suicidal insurgent,
I've become a tainted marionette
Marie's at the back door (You look so sexy, darling)
Howling all alone (When you're on your knees, darling)
She glances at the room of (I can still feel the affection)
Lovely Sadie Rose (Left by this room's impression)
Oh, she glides into the bedroom (Wrap your drenched arms around me)
Her feet gutted and cold (Suffocate this ghost of poetry)
Just spread wide like runways (Beds are hallowed partnership grounds)
Luscious vines grab hold, (Eyes are just like abandoned towns)
And crudely smirk back
"Mercy! Mercy!" Caligula begs the sprawled face
Bloodlust in the moonlight (Can you feel my hot presence?)
Always turned you on (What can you do as vengeance?)
The other girls you worshiped (Don't avoid these caustic coastlines)
Always limit their response, (That vacate LCD signs)
But not tonight, no
"Mercy! Mercy!" Caligula begs the sprawled face
(Cold mouths embed in shrill wives)
(Made you cook the end of my first life)
You know just what those vitals do to me
You know that gown provoked your early leave
"Mercy! Mercy!" Caligula begs the sprawled face
Come back when your conventional gown's shown
Come back to me when wires were your home
"Mercy! Mercy!" Caligula begs the sprawled face
(Cold mouths embed in shrill wives)
(Made you cook the end of my first life)
It's her lull; her body, mind, and soul
Ubiquitous glow!
You're dead! You're dead! Left bursting at the chest
Come quick! These lips, quiver at mouth's expense, and say
You're dead! You're dead! Suck sunshine from the bees
Go on! Remind, Mr. Vengeance how to grieve.
You can't hold this fragmented skull (Stay blind! Stay deaf!)
I can't hold your electric bones (Stay mute! Stay still!)
"I caress you into a pixelated slave
My puckered maw entices like a rouge wave"

Pixel Zombies: Palm Tree Parade (8)

Champagne's kissing brilliant knives
Spoiled chalice keenly sits
My body is rambling like
Checkered wires solar fits
Miss Mandela lips, you're mute
Silenced by a brittle rain
This party being held for you
Celebrates your piƱata veins
There's a new banner that hangs overhead
It bellows out "Socialize at Marie's expense!"
There's confetti that's speckled with babies' hands
A blind horse with a saddle climbing up to your man
Let the celebration begin!
In the breeze, passion heat is strewn inside of me
Parade floats for teenage novels, stomp stomp stomp stomp on noisemakers and sing:
"You can't imagine the feel of her heart's ray,
I'll swing and sway just like a palm tree parade!"
Swing like a tongue in heat!
Sway like a new prom dress!
In a burned, silk-screened promenade, there's a couple in a TV
Star wipe into their gunshot wounds, and out this fucking party.
"You can't imagine the feel of her heart's ray,
I'll swing and sway just like a palm tree parade!"
Swing like a tongue in heat
Sway like a new prom dress!
(Yeah, a toast to the fucking rad! Will we survive your toast?)
Red and grey candle light continue to rust
This apartment dreams of artifact dust
Then twelve hundred sinister
Mastodons break in, and scream poetry
These cacophonic hands and this body see only vengeance and delight.

Pixel Zombies: Eight Hanging Gutters Set To Dance (7)

Happy anniversary! Celebrate with dear Marie!
Slide down the throat of Caligula's heart throne
Watch it explode, "One! Two! Three! Four…"
I want to see you shake, just like a new inmate
The daughter of a dilettante, strewn with expressions so fake
In this weak garden,
You're saved, money, beg
Saved, money beg!
(A revolution of haunted forfeits! You're) Saved, money, beg!
One! Two! Three! Four!
Gutters hanging overhead, convulsing on your skull
Five! Six! Seven! Eight!
Dances led by bullet holes, grinding lessons with their heels
Let's become who we were always meant to be,
But I've been dead for years.
You tattooed your loves back, with dazzling cataracts
Chewing through both my wrists, are nineteen lovesick gargantuan rats!
Rancid nicotine stilettos (Mascara coats blinded, works of a mute)
Show their plumage as they fume into knives! (With works on the pavement, the pavement)
Flex in front of the camera, baby!
Show the screens of rejected apartment parties!
A recent comatose in this room
Now showers you like sickled shame
Saved, money, beg!
(You're not so volupte, you're) Saved, money, beg!
One! Two! Three! Four!
Gutters hanging overhead, convulsing on your skull
Five! Six! Seven! Eight!
Dances led by bullet holes, grinding lessons with their heel
Make us into good kids again!
I am Caligula, a serpentine showered
To lick the flowers, saturate in blessings
I am Caligula, a serpentine showered
Marie, this kidnapping's fucking insatiable
Oh, dear Daughter,
I'm afraid this frail room can't hold either of our spirits
That ghost you hold needs to come out
I want to see that ghost right now!
Sugarcoat fuck in carnivorous applause!
Stars gather up and whimper over Daughter's death.