Monday, September 7, 2009

Hot Amphetamine Kiss

Clever, how the negligent negligee seems to fall so pervasively
From off your drizzled canvas of a body and onto the sweat-stained floor;
Was it just last night I awoke to the hot breath of a born-again temptress?
Did I hear her right? She begged me “make me into that sultry painting of yours!”
Bodies collide under the bliss of a comatose covering, collaborating
With the lessons learned of previous partners to bring about new nurses,
Ones who will examine you, diagnose you, comfort you, and explore with you.
With a quiver and some lust, I head into a stable of religion-free churches.

“Bang! Bang!” goes the sound of a clicking heart,
Burrowed under the billowy guise of bliss.
“Bang! Bang!” sing those cash register arteries,
Your addiction has led you to a hot amphetamine kiss.

About as cold as a diamondized torso in a cantankerous night,
Fires inject their suicide-squeals into this thing we call infatuation.

There’s a shine giving a watchful eye to the teenagers kissing in trees,
There’s a synthetic rose that’s dancing frivolously in the maraca-breeze.
There’s a golden horse buried under the dance floor, just gnawing at your ankles,
Praying that the Lover’s Shuffle will let loose his blazing mane from its’ shackles.
“Well, things are never what they seem.” Shyly, I refuse & let the breeze just shower me.
The fairer sex loves to waltz so close to death, cracking open shells of knowledge from your ever-awaiting head.

“Bang! Bang!” goes the sound of a clicking heart,
Burrowed under the billowy guise of bliss.
“Bang! Bang!” sing those cash register arteries,
Your addiction has led you to a hot amphetamine kiss.

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