Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Love The Sea

Starshine, starshine,
You glide across the lines
Of an overanxious sea
To lace the crescent coat
With docile jewelry.

Moonlight, moonlight,
Come fall in through the night.
Just rain down on all of us
So we may soak up all the unknown
That we may better know of trust.

Stardust, stardust,
Stay up there, if you must,
But we beg of you to come down
And play with our ship's trinkets
So we no longer have to feel around.

And so we sail on and on,
Cascading blues and winds,
Collecting noirs and thoughts
Like dribble on the chin.
The skies play out a scene,
An interstellar play
And show that they are as
Intrigued in us, as we are they.

We have no course in mind,
We travel at our leisure.
Our eyes are bright with passion
For exploration and adventure.
Let's follow distant whims
Traverse uncertain seascapes
For the rewards are always rich,
And the new sights shall remain.

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