Monday, September 7, 2009

Pixel Zombies: The Army Unlimited (12)

My body has become "Caligula's cell"
We slithered through the skull, with the guise of" comatose"
Inside this place, beyond the field of lace
An army declares sanctuary,

But I want to go home, this army by a sick, green sea
Impersonates the heart
Alone, in this hallucinogenic land,
My mind starves and takes form

Vagabonds, get out!
And tell me I will lead you
They scratch halls and cause
Reliquary conniptions

Unfortunately, we're marching on

We march on past the fields of clay that reenact
Memories, but change the script to, "Don't look back! Don't look back!"
And every soldier's face, protrudes a different name
The cavalry runs wild, and ride my nauseous smile

Wait, these plains, have luscious skies
Trees depict sincere collections
I'm dazzled by what I see,
It can't be so bad, it can't be so bad
Birds nests on hot pink melodies
It's can't be so bad, it can't be so bad

Vagabonds, get out!
And tell me I will lead you
They scratch halls and cause
Reliquary conniptions

Unfortunately, we're marching on to war!
The blind enemy is my own sentiments
Passion is not supposed to be like this

Sound the alarm! They're storming it together!
..Midnight.. parade on this rapid toll forever!
By the time they're done, serpentine rouge
Will babble out their mouths! Cities will collide!
Caligula will stand, and address Marie:
"I will see you throat, I will see you out,
The Army Unlimited!"

But I want to go home, this army by a sick, green sea
Impersonates the heart
Alone, in this hallucinogenic land,
My mind starves and takes form

I will make lips quiver out (Captain, the prisoner,)
"Non chalant grotesquely" (She mouths out "More! More! More!")
This groped land will (Captain, the prisoner,)
Overcome itself (She mouths out "More! More! More!")
From here, the greatest story (Captain, the prisoner,)
That's never been told (She mouths out, "More! More! More!"
Will overflow this (Captain, the prisoner)
Heart. (She's grinning!)

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