Monday, September 7, 2009

The Soothing Sound Of Flight

Propellers playfully pitter-patter against the air,
The joy shared between the two
Is used to raise their spirits,
Their selves,
And those of their surroundings,
The classic example of "smile, it's contagious"/

Wings watf whistfully wandering worlds,
Leading the way to heart's desires,
Exotic and exciting and new,
Fulfilling needs never before realized,
Of exploration and adventure,
Through the safety of broad, outstretched, slender arms.

Cockpits carelessly count constellations.
Soaking in every magnificent sight:
The landscapes, the seas,
The moon, the lights.
Overwhelmed by the beauty it encases,
The cockpit begs to share it's possessions with another.

Darling, your eyes look like the sky.

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