Monday, September 7, 2009

The Other White Meat

Did it hurt? Did it hurt?
When they pierced your belly and sucked out life?
And all my thoughts turn to the unborn.
The cataclismic wyas to evade subjugation and responsibility
By sucking out dry! Devastating your family inadvertently
That life-to-be is now floating free
At leas th'es in a better place than your filthy arms.
He won't have to suffer the shame of a hate-ridden loved one.
So did it hurt? Were you sad?
When they told you "it's dead"
Did you grin a rotting mouth and sing bomb-blasting hymns?
A snake for a kiss, a waite-out final blow for some love?
Well who would love you now? Who could love deafening skulls?
With evil ideas so loud?
So did you feel? Did you shame?
Or did you come out with a notch on your name?
Fire starters, please! I am trying to have a conversation
With the vulture who stabs wombs and glistens and moans.

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