Monday, September 7, 2009

Pixel Zombies: Four Haunts (15)

Haunt 1 – Apathy
Caligula, can you taste me in the air?
Feebly droning and buzzing, but never enough to take action.
Like an inflammatory pressure system, rot with sickle kisses
Apathy rests here, but you just stare blankly into my face.

Comrades, come quick! Snake in Marie's carapace!
Make an example of this carnivore!
Spoiled and speechless, why should we care at all?
Oh, you're barely comatose, spitting thoughts in repeat
Apathy lives here, Apathy loves you!

Haunt 2 - Loneliness
How are you awake? How are you accompanied by me?
Your heart's the one asleep, swinging in the breeze of a breathy voice
I'll take it all away, I'll take it all away, Loneliness adores you!

Haunt 3 – Dishonesty

(We're the Four Haunts!)
It feels as cliché as a stab in the back,
The Army's all starved, and just disbanded
You trust in doves and act surprised
When they shit on your… (We're the Four Haunts!)
We feast in fine rooms, housed in hopeful graves
And tempt you to leave, to find you're undead
Dishonesty sits on your lap,
Dishonesty romances you! (We're the Four Haunts!)

Haunt 4 – Promiscuity

Hang loose, kid! Feel your flesh against flesh!
Of more than one! (We're the Four Haunts!)
Desperate seeds swarm around her,
Licking at the chance!
Promiscuity fucking lusts
Over you and her! (We're the Four Haunts!)

All Haunts
Everyone meets the Four Haunts!

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