Monday, September 7, 2009

The Scissor Twins

Two scissors live in my dresser
Neon and loud, pristine and gold
They thrive to fulfill their purpose
But live for the thrill, the passionately bold
Scissor Alpha's blades were always dull and content
It's purpose to crease, rather than pierce
Scissor Beta's are razor-sharp and exaggerated
And slice through all that comes near
So when the two come together and embrace
Alpha smiles and tenderly touches cold steel
While Beta attacks and cuts through the pivot
Rejecting all that Alpha must feel
Alpha is experienced, has been through it all
Carved and cut it's way through
Beta is anxious, deprived, and irate
A result of being mistreated when rarely used
But Alpha sees through the grit in the pivot
And sits in the dresser, amazed
It's handles shiver at what they can potentially have
If it weren't for those blinded blades
So Alpha proceeds to draw nearer
And dreams of a world with all the bark and none of the bite
But Beta proceeds to cut through the pivot
Will it dull its blade and see the dream realized?

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