Monday, September 7, 2009

Cedric: Carpenter Limbs - Chapter One: Conception

They met in Angel City , under neon lights and the warm embrace of monotone hums.
Exigency came from the Valley of Wings , looking for a chance to hear
Palm trees swaying at the announcement of his name.
Timbre was a local, looking for something dangerous to call her own.
They were years apart, but their eyes met at the same time and place.
When exigency collaborates with timbre, the result can only be beautiful.
She came on strong, fabricating stories out of the street and through her hands.
He was hesitant, but her bleached glass torso was found to be hypnotic.
“Would you like to go for a ride?”
“Only if you promise that the sun will always burn a pale shade of scarlet”
They were as frail as a soliloquy, but it was love.

Years passed, and as their love grew, like a capillary balloon,
Love was expressed in a succession of personal exchanges, all in due time,
Their canals being filled with he love of crimes.
283 days had passed, only 82 remain.
“Children as gifts are the best way to commit to vows made in love.”
“Our limbs click and shuffle like carpenters under a Caribbean sun.”
The product of two effigies was to announce its silhouette
And not it’s presence, in the weeks to come.
Silently and cordially, a story was about to be revealed,
As wondrous and mesmerizing as a half-dead maraca embedded with dead chromosomes.

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