Thursday, September 17, 2009

Find Me A Mute Pharmacy (Rx series, 2 of 3)

Find Me A Mute Pharmacy!
One with no mouth to question my actions.

Oh, Hospital Hands,
Your ability to soothe ailments
That crooked commercials failed to diagnose
Has led me to self-prescribe
Under the guise that I know better
(Or don't know better, what's the difference?)
You have led me to
A mute pharmacy,
One that is camouflaged by bloodshot promises
To contain the disaster.

The counter calls with vacant swells
Hidden behind cash register leers.
Mute Pharmacy jitters, smilingbehind fickle cells,
"Have you found your fears?"

Well, here comes your prescription:
The rattle of chromatic pills in your pocket.
Here comes your prescription:
Red, yellow, and white down your throat, like a faucet.
Here comes your prescription,
Garnished in a negligee so perverse,
Every excuse comes off so rehearsed.

So find me a mute pharmacy!
One with aisles overflowing with "answers".
Find me a mute pharmacy!
Where vitamin-filled maracas are sold by the dozen.
Find me a mute pharmacy!
Concealed in bland, numb safety.
Find me a mute pharmacy!
My answers only get greeted with riddles.

Find me a mute pharmacy!

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