Monday, September 7, 2009

Pixel Zombies: You're A Good Place To Visit (16)

I was born in a crystal screen, kicking
And wailing at cell phones.
All these days spent inside this cell, redefined
This snake, Caligula.
Will I come out swelling at the veins,
Grating against robot saliva?
I can't see the circuitry of Marie,
I can't taste her rouge.

I first died in that crystal screen, screaming and flailing at
At monitor breasts.
I felt my sins conjure up a stale sigh
And plummet clockwork quests.
Hospital beds and overdosing meds
Make up the ambiance here.
Quiet mushroom clouds fornicate and
Causes other-worldly ruptures.

Like a vacant student, I believe it's just slumber.
Leave me swelling here, if this mirage is sober.

Why can't happiness stay constant?
Leave the sleeper be! Leave the sleeper be!
This ship has sailed for so long.
Why can't happiness stay constant?
Leave the sleeper be! Leave the sleeper be!
This ship has sailed for so long,
I trust the tides will take me home.

"Fall out! Collapse! Regret!"
"Where is dear Marie?
"Fall out! Collapse! Regret"!
"Where is dear Marie?
"Fall out! Collapse! Regret"!
"Where is dear Marie?
"Medic! Come quick! Relapse!"
I want to see her fucked up!
I want to see her fucked up!
I want to see her shit fucked up!
Prove to me she's better alive!

"Let's Bring That Carnivore From Out This Bed"
"Come let us bring that
Carnivore out of bed!
Hope fills these shackle-sheets
Where tragedy once fled."

Conscious Resuscitating
"Doctor, he's coming to! Doctor, he's coming to!"
Friends! Family! Explain the absence of the Daughter!

Mortal Exchange in a Hospital Room
Oh, foolish heart! A fallacy amongst me!
Torment in a ghostly gown, drizzled in a physical state.
My head's birthing doves, shot down as they take flight
My answer comes in clear, through the window's light.

This hospital bed throws me through the blinds
As I fall into the earth, I hear that dial tone.
I turn to see
Marie grinning.

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